5 Cash Flow Mistakes [Learned Over Years Of Bookkeeping]

5 Cash Flow Mistakes [Learned Over Years Of Bookkeeping]

  Cash is king!   Well in this case – “cash flow” is king.   It doesn’t matter how successful or what stage your business is in – it’s always a key aspect of operations.   In fact, a study from U.S. Bank found that as many as 82 percent of startups...

CYA and Stay in Business

3 Red Flags The IRS Looks For That You Should Avoid One of the chief benefits of being a small business owner is the ability to responsibly take advantage of some of the breaks the tax code gives you.  The savings and deductions available can offset the income of an...

More Sales For No Money

6 Ways To Increase Sales Without Spending A Dime A business lives and dies by sales.  The more sales, the better!  The problem is not every business can pay to increase their advertising, much less a lead sales individual. Thankfully, with the tools available through...

Don’t Be Foggy About Your Business, Get Clarity!

Why Your Small Business Accounting Should Be in The Cloud As a small business owner, you went into to business to do what you love and to help as many people as possible.  Whether you make baskets, deliver new software to the market, or create donuts, you have your...