[Remove The Headache] From Real Estate Accounting

[Remove The Headache] From Real Estate Accounting

Here is the big misconception…   Most people assume bookkeeping is about putting in long hours and sacrificing their Sunday to catch up on paperwork.   I am here to tell you- there is another way!   It’s simply about your habit patterns when it comes to...
CPA, Bookkeeper, Accountant [What’s The Difference?]

CPA, Bookkeeper, Accountant [What’s The Difference?]

If you are like many small business owners, somewhere between the cups of cold coffee and the anxious feeling surrounding your financial paperwork you’ve finally made the decision you need to hire help.  Knowing which professional you need to hire may be less clear....
16 Little Known Financial Habits KILLING Your Business Growth

16 Little Known Financial Habits KILLING Your Business Growth

Money is a funny thing… If you’re anything like me (and you probably are) you’ve spend the majority of your adult life trying to get more of it. We spend a ton time and mental energy trying to take our business to the next level- financially. We are extremely focused...