Guess who made the news?

We are excited that The Park Record chose to give a shout out to our business, Park City Bookkeepers.   Business Editor, Bubba Brown, interviewed our founder, Eric Wheeler, about his motivation in starting this young and thriving bookkeeping firm and what makes...

What To Expect From A Bookkeeper

When owning a business the financial aspect of it can be overwhelming. So it’s not surprising that many owners decide to hire a bookkeeper to handle the finances.   Yet, even though they decide to let someone else handle their money, they might not have any...

Bad Bookkeeping – it will cost you

If this is your first time visiting the Park City Bookkeepers blog, or if you’re a regular, PLEASE  let me impart one piece of advice…   Hiring a bad bookkeeper can be very expensive.   Most of my clients call me after one of two scenarios....