More sales for no money 26 Ways To Increase Sales Without Spending A Dime

A business lives and dies by sales.  The more sales, the better!  The problem is not every business can pay to increase their advertising, much less a lead sales individual.

Thankfully, with the tools available through technology, it has never been easier to increase sales without increasing your spending!


Tighten Up and Define Your Existing Sales Process

Often, a company can increase their sales by focusing on the sales process itself.

Do you have a step-by-step process that does the following?

  • Get The Prospect’s Attention And Greet Them
  • Have A Systemized Process For Determining Needs
  • A Repeatable System To Select The Right Product Or Value
  • Make a Written Offer- too few businesses do this step
  • Close The Sale- believe it or not, this should be a repeatable skill
  • Follow Up In Case Of A Sale, Or In Case Of No Sale

Do you have those steps written out?  Do you have scripts or materials for each step?  If not, are there any holes in your process?

Tighten up this process and make sure it is written out and repeatable.  Doing this step alone can increase your sales.


Create A Lead Warm-Up Process

With online tools and e-mail marketing, you can create a step by step “farm” system to create leads, nurture them, introduce yourself, and get them into the defined sales process mentioned up above.

A good lead program will have the following elements:

  • A website or blog format that includes articles that your prospects care about
  • A “freebie” offer that delivers value to the prospect. In exchange for getting that, they join your newsletter
  • An ongoing newsletter that introduces the prospects problems, and your business as the solution that they need
  • An offer to buy or work with your company

All of this can be done for free and gives you the opportunity to promote your business and get to know your prospects.


Your Best Kept Sales Secret- Your Existing Customer

Create a process whereby you regularly communicate with customer who have bought from you already.  (This should be different than the prospect’s newsletter mentioned above!)

By communicating with your customer on their birthdays, holidays, and giving them product updates, you increase the probability that they will buy from you again.  This can be systemized into some sort of CRM, or even and Excel sheet for free.


Ask For Referrals

Once your prospect has become a buying customer, take the time both at the close and after the sale to ask for a referral.  Oftentimes it can feel odd or self-serving to ask for referrals.  However, if you have delivered a really good product or service that solves their problem, they will be more than happy to reciprocate.  Make this a part of your sales process and systemize it into your communications.


Upsell New Products To Your Customers

Your customers are already happy with the service you have delivered.  They will be even happier with the new product or service you have created to enhance their experience.  Yes, one of the best ways to increase sales is by providing even more value to your buying customer base.  If you sell a diet book, you can offer an accountability coaching video series that is just a private Youtube station.  This costs nothing more and can increase sales.